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Monday, June 29, 2009

Hydro crisis..

The rains seem to have finally caught up with in the city after being a recluse for about one month. And as usual my loyalty towards the met department once again took a beating for handing over counterfeit dates about the early onset of monsoons this year..
Blaming the rain gods and the met dept. just seem to be the tip of the iceberg as far as the hydro management crisis in my household or in fact the whole city of Mumbai is concerned.

Unlike countries like Great Britain where the weather seems to the most important topic of discussion over a pint of beer,leisure takes a sorrow turn when our very own lakes start running dry..This now may start seeming more like a environment conservation documentary but the dilemma each monsoon puts us all Indians is certainly way beyond that friendly chilled pint of beer..

The pump machinery in my house ceases to suck in enough water through the pipes anymore and the water crisis deepens not only in the household but also the neighbourhood. To counter this challenge I end up installing an even higher capacity motor pump. But to my sheer disbelief the results are absolutely dismal. All I get is a higher electricity bill with the same old trickling droplets of water in the source pipes..

Just a today ago the harsh truth dawned upon me that about 20 percent of the water is actually wasted by leakage.Now that's comes down to a huge number considering the enormous amounts of the precious liquid consumed by us on a daily basis.At least now I know where exactly the bulk of the supply is getting wasted on the way to my house. Things are not going to improve till the rains play hide and seek with the inhabitants of the nation.Lest the human evolution undergoes a drastic manipulation of genes and enables us to consume saline ocean water,days of a big catastrophe would not be far from now..

Wish the rain Gods spare me and country from a drought and help avert a calamity in the making..For all those around please save water..The end might be near...