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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bang on Target!!

Yesterday evening as I stepped outside my house for some household shopping (you tend to do such things when you are absolutely jobless or when you bored staying indoors within the confinement of the four walls(chaar dewarein), I was greeted with the surprise of a lifetime!

Early in the morning (I call 8.30 early), as I suffer from a compulsive disorder of browsing through the pages of our beloved national newspaper 'The Times of India’, the news of pre- monsoon showers on Wednesday by the IMD (Indian Meteorological Department) greeted me. Like any other citizen of the city, sweltering under the torment of our very own nearest star this news certainly brought a smile on my face.

And guess what, by the evening (out on a household shopping spree), I actually felt the impossible event mentioned in the newspaper taking shape. It turned absolutely dark and in a few minutes I saw the first rain droplets of the season come trickling down from the heaven.

Call it an overtly accurate prediction by the IMD or just a fortunate co-incidence for the weather prediction guys; it is definitely a respite for me and my fellow citizens. On an overtly optimistic note I certainly wish the IMD keeps predicting as accurately as they have done yesterday. Armed with Super Computers and the Doppler radars, I hope this wish turns out to be true in the near future and saves us from the deluge of July 2005.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

And the loot continues..

Living in the garden city for more than two years has definitely brought myriad experiences to my life.Some good, the rest range from bad to worst.After spending my childhood in a major metropolis like Mumbai the so called pub (or garden city) either way u prefer to call it, does throw up a lot of challenges specially to an ordinary bloke like me who was neither a localite(i mean a Bangalorite) nor a member of the ultra rich luxurious life-styled hip crowd who are used to shopping regularly in malls like 'The Forum' or 'Garuda Mall'.

At this point of song singing about our Bengaluru(as it is called now owing to name changing ceremony held by some of our very intellectual politicians) lets face some harsh ground realities.For an ordinary citizen, from another part of our vastly divided India staying here was not a cake walk.

Starting with the Hosur Road series of flyovers which seems to be under construction since ages(It was my hearts desire to see them completed and zoom to the Electronics City campus in a Company bus in less than 15 mins).However,this dream remained one as I returned to the place where I belong.

Coming back to the main point which really perturbed me was the errant behaviour of the auto-rickshaw drivers.For a harmless travel to say M.G. Road(which is one of the best hang out spots for both the rich and not so rich) from a place called B.T.M(more than 50 % of the IT populace resides in this area) the average fare would be around 55 Rs.However, there is hardly any day of the year when you can actually reach your destination at this fare.Mostly, the auto-rickshaw drivers will negotiate the fare way before you commence your journey on the pot holed streets of 'Namma Bengaluru'.This renders the so called meters absolutely ineffectual.And mind you they seem to be the most intelligent people on the earth.They can recognise that you are not a localite just by looking at your face at first glance.

As an icing on the cake,if it rains then God only save you from the wrath of the drivers.The moment it starts pouring, which is quite common in Bangalore even when its not our usual four month rainy season ,the rickshaw fare just doubles up.That means now a journey that I mentioned before would cost you a cool 100 Rs.Now that's what I call a pure act of day light "Looting". The same also applies when its night time when its actually "Party Time" for the drivers.Whether you belong to the filthy rich section of the society or some ordinary guy working in an ordinary IT Company in an even ordinary designation of Software Engineer,not a single soul is spared.

The main psychology that drives business in the garden city is that "If you cant pay me, someone else will" and definitely you don't deserve my services and better look out for something else that might suit your wallet.

Lest the rickshaw drivers come to know of Mr. Barack Obama's latest policies the ordinary (aam aadmi) as you call them continues to suffer and be at their mercy.
Tata Nano here I come.......

Sunday, May 17, 2009

A bit too late..

Not less than 5 months back, I resigned from the second largest technology company in India.Little did I know that just few months down the line each employee would be worth a handsome jaw dropping 97 lacs.

The first and most obvious hyper reaction that characterizes my over indulgent brain was like "Hey, couldn't you tell that to me before"..My head started spinning like a ball just tossed out of Shane Warne's fingers.A feeling of extreme regret started engulfing me in its vicious grip. A few seconds later, as I regained full control of my senses, I realized that the eye popping figure of 97 lacs was just a hypothetical number that Infosys had arrived at considering the future earnings of the company.Never before in the two lively years that I spent in the company had i contemplated that one day I would be worth so much.Nevertheless, just thinking of the very fact makes my shoulders broaden with pride.

Cheers to the firm and the employees working in it still..And I seriously request the Human Resources department to release such tantalizing numbers very much in advance so that potential employees who are up to increasing the attrition rate do get second thoughts about concluding their association with the best in the business...